Titanopsis fulleri

Chalk field mesemb / Kalk veld vygie (Afrikaans)

Little tortoise feet / Skilpad voetjies (Afrikaans)



Colours of the succulents will vary from season to season as well as what you view on the website

All plants are dry rooted before shipping to ensure they arrive in the best possible condition. Therefore pots are not included in the order.

Grower: grows in summer and blossoms in the fall, this plant can tolerate high heat and severe frost

Light: enjoys bright shade in summer, and full sun in other seasons

Water: be careful not to overwater this species due to its drought-tolerance

Soil type: well-draining succulent growing medium



  • Bushmanland and the upper Karoo
  • Synonym is Mesembryanthemum calcareum
  • Confined to limestone outcrops
  • Species of Titanopsis are distributed in three main areas of southern Africa
  • In southern Namibia they grow as far as Luderitz