Piaranthus punctatus var. punctatus

Aasblom (Afrikaans)



Colours of the succulents will vary from season to season as well as what you view on the website

All plants are dry rooted before shipping to ensure they arrive in the best possible condition. Therefore pots are not included in the order.

Grower: flowers late in the summer or autumn except for one other species Piaranthus barrydalensis which flowers in spring to early summer

Light: in its habitat it’s typically found under protective non-succulent shrubs, so they need highlight but no direct sunlight

Water: water well when dry

Soil type: well-draining succulent growing medium



  • Piaranthus is a succulent plant genus in the subfamily Asclepiadoideae, in the family Apocynaceae
  • The genus Piaranthus was introduced by Robert Brown (1810), who described Piaranthus (Stapelia) punctata, although the combined name of Piaranthus punctatus was first published by Schultes (1820)
  • The genus has included 16 species but currently comprises 7 species, from South Africa and Namibia
  • Grows on coastal lowlands
  • Greek name piar (fat) and anthos (flower), referring to the fleshy flower