The Love of Gardening is a Seed Once Sewn that Never Dies.

~ Gertrude Jekyll ~


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Crassula & Subfamilies

Crassula is a large genus of succulent plants native to many parts of the world, but the species that are used in gardening or by collectors are almost exclusively out of South Africa.

Cacti Cactaceae

Agave Asparagaceae


Euphorbia is a very large and diverse genus of flowering plants, commonly called spurge, in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). This genus is well known for having 2000 species and one of the most diverse genera in all the plant kingdoms. Euphorbias range from tropical areas of Africa (where most of the succulent Euphorbias originate), Madagascar, and the Americas to warmer temperate areas of Asia and Europe. These plants are also found in the Pacific Islands and Australia. Euphorbiaceae has a cosmopolitan distribution, with the greatest diversity in the Tropics. They are also members in non-tropical areas on all continents except Antarctica.


Echeveria is a large genus of succulent plants in the Crassulaceae family, native to semi-desert areas of Central America. The genus is named after the Mexican botanical artist Atanasio Echeverria y Godoy.


Mesembryanthemum (mesembs) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Aizoaceae, native to southern Africa. Many are known as ‘ice plants’ due to their glistening, globular bladder cells covering their stems, fruit and leaves.

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